Monday, June 2, 2008

Just Stuff

Rob's busy in the thick of school and work right now. He handed in an essay today, so now there's a bit of pressure off again. We're so looking forward to June 18 when he completes his last day of his last class at Mac. I'm so sick of hearing "Sorry, I can't ... I have to study" But such is life and we continue to remain thankful that he has made it this far in his studies, remaining on track with his original time-line all things considering. We pray we receive the opportunity to thoroughy enjoy a summer free of studies and hospital stress.

Since we have a year pass for skating last Saturday I decided to take the girls skating seeing as it was a quick and easy "family-time" (without Rob, who was trying to put together an essay) on what was already a bit of busy day. Marietta decided she didn't want to go, so I took Rebecca and Matthew (to watch). Rebecca was quite thrilled the the arena was so empty and even more thrilled when for the last 15 minutes she got the ice all to herself. She finds this much more enjoyable and less intimidating then during the winter public skates that can get quite crowded ... and I liked it because it was rather easying keeping track of her. We may find this a handy place to hang out on those hot summer days

And after a slow start to spring/summer we're finally have some nicer weather. From skating to swimming! The girls wanted to try out their new pool. Which was suppose to be a sprinkler pool combination. The kids love the sprinkler and I hate wasting water, so we were all happy with this combination where the sprinkler sprayed into the pool ... at least that's what the box showed. The box also showed the pool part to be much deeper. Not the case. So the kids decided they would be innovative and make it a bit more entertaining. And once they were done it was agreed by all that they we too big for the pool and we sold it on Kijiji. Since it was the girls pool they split the money ... judging by the thrill of making some money I have a feeling I might be hearing about more things they want to sell.

Last week I finally had the opportunity to go on a Class Trip. This simply wasn't an option the past couple years. Since the January I signed up 3 times to go on a trip and each time ended up cancelling the day of because of a sick child. So finally on my third attempt I got a chance to go with Rebecca's Kindergarten class to her teachers house to catch frogs (caught several of them) and tadpoles (didn't see any of them). The kids had so much fun and it was so neat to see Rebecca with her classmates. Although the main part of the trip was to spend time at the pond I think the best part for the kids was by far playing hide and seek in Mrs. H. house.


amymom24 said...

I didn't know you could go skating all year round - that would be a great summer activity!

LOL about the pool. I think it was a good decision to sell it:)

HH said...

The skating looks like so much fun. We actually have one here too and it's something we never do. Maybe when the kids get a little older we should introduce them, do you think??

Steph said...

If you ever plan to come to Canada you better start teaching them how to skate ... seeing as it's winter all year round here (or so some believe)!! :) Okay ... people just like to eat, sleep and breathe hockey almost all year round! :) So either way guess it's a good idea to know the basics.

In our house Rebecca loves it, Marietta isn't much interested. But at least both of them have learned to move a bit better so that it can be more enjoyable.

There's something odd about having to get all bundled up in a winter coat when it's 25C outside ... can only imagine the feeling during the summer. Least the kids have progressed far enough that I don't have to keep snow suits out - splash pants now work well enough to keep them warm and dry.