So we have this new holiday called Family Day. Given the name of the holiday I'm assuming that means we're suppose to enjoy the day as a family. With a hubby thick in the studies right now that isn't all so easy to do, but we did have an enjoyable day still.
It's been a bit since I played around with my camera, so I took a few pictures of the family and kids this morning. I never seem to have much success in that department, but oh well, we had fun (mostly). Matthew usually is good for about 2-3 pictures and then he's done.
While Matthew napped I took the girls skating for a bit. We haven't gone the last couple Saturdays because there's been snow outside and we've been doing the sledding thing instead. The girls prefer sledding over skating, it seems the novelty of skating has worn off, although Rebecca still enjoys it quite a bit (Marietta was never to extremely keen on it). On Saturday they went sledding again as it was suppose to rain all day Sunday (it did rain, not all day tho) and we didn't expect to have any snow left today. Well there was still snow out there today, but I'm guessing one would have gotten mighty wet going sledding.The girls spent some time in the kitchen after skating making some cupcakes with their Easy- Bake Oven (have I ever mentioned what a waste of money that is!!). They have three more packages left and then that things is going out the door ... time to teach them some real baking, at a fraction of the cost.
We then decided to head out to Swiss Chalet for supper. They had free kids meals for each entree purchased, so the girls were free ... and we still have some gift cards leftover that we had received during our time with James .... so all in all a free meal, no complaints here. It appears a good part of the rest of our dutch-blooded church community was cashing in on the free kids meals as well ... hope you all enjoyed your meals, ours was good!! :) I'm just thankful we decided to be there at 4:30 ... few minutes later and we would have been waiting like everyone else (okay, we would have just gone home, no patience for that).
And so the day ended with a Bob-the-Builder video (the girls still love watching that show as much as James did) and then some over-priced Easy-Bake cupcakes with hot chocolate and off to bed. And here I sit ... when I should be doing the paperwork.
So ... hope you all enjoyed your day off ... won't be long and March Break will be upon us.
Cute pics! We were going to do the Swiss Chalet thing too - LOL! But we've got a sick son today so we decided not to go. Maybe another day.
Great having days like that. We don't get snow but we do get beach. And we don't use it half enough...lol.
Just saying hi and I love the pics...glad you could have a fun day!
Just do a Google search for "Easy Bake oven recipes", and then make your own mixes! We do that, and it makes a big batch, which we measure into single portions, put into the (cheap) snack-sized baggies, and freeze (with instructions written on the bags in magic marker). Vanessa & Melanie do 'real" baking for me quite often, but they still love to pull out the EasyBake when they've got friends over or on a rainy afternoon when there's not enough time for read baking or the oven is already in use.
Hey hey, wow in the first pic of the kids Matthew looks like Aiden, scary, I guess that happens with cousins.
any who, thanks for the update, glad to hear you got Rob out of the books long enough to eat something free. (yah for free)
well talk to you later
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