Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Last Day at Old School

Wednesday, October 28th was the girls last day at their old school. The day went well and I must say the girls showed little concern about the fact that they were not returning. We knew that they were a bit sad and would miss their friends, but we were thankful that they were also excited enough about the move and their new school that they were able to remain positive and happy and see this last day as a fun day.

At morning snack time I arrived at school armed with cupcakes and bookmarks. I met up with Rebecca and she handed out cupcakes to her classmates. Rebecca's class is a large class and so during the mornings they are split into two classes to be taught the core subjects. It was nice that they were together that morning.

After handing out her cupcakes (and candies) Rebecca was surprised with a good-bye present. This was a lovely gesture and one I think Rebecca really cherishes. She received two necklaces (which she wears almost all the time) as well as a collectors spoon from Holland. The class had just been discussing collections and so they found out that Rebecca collects spoons.

Rebecca with some of her classmates: Olivia, Sarah, Eden and Anna

Rebecca also took these pictures of her classmates. The first picture shows the class that she was part of with her teacher, Mr. V. The second picture is the other part of her class which she would spend afternoons with.

During that same morning Marietta was off on a school trip to Gage Park and the Mum Show at Gage Park. Here Marietta got to enjoy taking pictures of flowers ...something she loves to do.

I returned to school after lunch hour (so nice to live so close to the school :)
I prepared Marietta's cupcakes and then went down to Rebecca's classroom to watch her do the play The Shoemaker and the Elves. She had been extremely excited that they would be doing a play before she left ... one of the things she looked forward to in Grade 2 was that they did a play for the parents. This play was actually not for a parents and they did not memorize the lines but just read them, but regardless she had fun and enjoyed it. (She was even more thrilled when she found out she'd be doing a play at her new school ... only 4 days after starting school :)
Here she is waiting on the side for her turn to enter. And the next picture is her as a princess coming to buy shoes from the shoemaker.

I then headed back upstairs to help Marietta with handing out her cupcakes. Marietta's class had organized a Surprise Party ... much to her surprise :) She was pretty tickled by this gesture and thought they did a good job on surprising her. We didn't need to bring cupcakes ... they had more then enough food already :)
I wasn't allowed to leave until I had seen (and taken a picture of) the class pet ... Patches the Rat. Funny that she thinks Patches is so cute but goes into a panic if she thinks she seen or heard a mouse or rat at our new house (don't worry we're not overrun by them, just a fact of living in the country, especially when you live in an old farmhouse).

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