Saturday, June 2, 2012

City or Country?

Marietta is currently working on an assignment for her Math and Language Arts classes where they are learning about graphing and voting.  They have to get votes on a question and then present the findings.  Marietta’s question is: Would you rather live in the city or the country?  Since she is getting a rather bias response when asking students at a country school this question she is looking for some more input from a wider audience.  Along with this question she is looking for individuals to explain why the chose the answer they do as she will need to use this information to write her Language Arts paper.

So, dear readers, would you rather live in the city or the country?  Please explain the choice you make.

Thank you!


TheSweetOne said...

Country - Because I grew up in the country and love the solitude and having my "own space" without my neighbours always nearby. We lived 10 years in the core of Toronto. Had a nice house, nice neighbours, great jobs but my heart always pined for country living - the simplicity, the solitude, the quiet, a slower pace of life. Being able to hear crickets and spring peepers. Being able to smell the earth. In the city I would always pick out the sounds of birds and was always amazed that the people with me didn't know what I was talking about (or care...)

Anonymous said...

Country - you can see the vast sky full of stars at night and watch beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Anonymous said...

City...most definitely! I've grew up in the country and would never go back! When I go for a walk I actually can choose to do a big block, a medium one or a small opposed to going in one direction and then walking the same piece back. Having a vehicle...not necessary. I can walk to my library, post office, grocery store and hardware store all in 5 minutes! I love that I can chat with my neighbours that are working in their yards...since most yards tend to be a bit more manicured in a city since they are smaller and more overseeable. I love the flowers that attract butterflies and bees. When I sit in my back yard, I hear crickets, I hear frogs from my ornamental pond, I hear and see a plethora of different birds, squirrels dart across my lawn, and I even can see (some) stars at night. Life is such a delightful journey, wherever you live there is plenty to enjoy, as long as you are open to seeing it.

Enquire - Life is full of questions said...

I realize I am a bit behind on blogging, but will still put in our 2 cents worth...
We love the city! It is great to live in a town-like area of the city and yet having all the stores, the school, the church and some brothers and sisters in the Lord nearby, even in walking distance.