Saturday, July 23, 2011

Noah Marek

I have to interrupt my regular order of posts to show off our lovely new nephew/cousin.  Seeing as I come from a “smaller” (3 siblings) family these blessing don’t come all too often for us.  Matthew is going to have to give up his post as the baby of my family.  The kids are thrilled to have a little nephew to dot on … and so is his aunt.  It’s been awhile since I’ve really been around a baby much, so hopefully he doesn’t grow up too fast on us!  Going to have to learn to make the trek down to Val’s a bit more often now that she’s not working all the time.

Here are some pictures of the kids with Noah.  We went to see him (and Val, and even Mark was there for a few minutes) on Thursday … soon as we got back from our holidays.

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Matthew was absolutely thrilled about this little bundle and completely in awe of the little guy.  He kept wanting us to come have a look at him and was very proud to be able to hold him (picture isn’t the clearest but the best I got when he was holding Noah).

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