So last week Wednesday (the 4th) the kid's enjoyed Play Day at school. It reached a balmy 13C that day, with fog and cold winds all day. Indeed I felt I needed a winter jacket just watching them and here they were playing and having fun ... even with the cold water games which are meant to cool the kids down on a hot day. I went straight home to have a hot chocolate and try warm myself up again. (I will admit that I do get cold fast, but regardless it was a cold day for such an event).
Rebecca doing shoe kick and Marietta playing the Soccer Kick.
The girls played against each other for the Waterballoon Volleyball game.
Only two days later we were sweltering in a heat wave of 31C with a humidex of 40C. Wouldn't be Canadian if we weren't complaining about the weather ... from furnace to air conditioning! This heat wave lasted several days and on Saturday we went for our usual (okay, it's not a usual as we like, but we try) waterfalls walk ... maybe by time we leave we'll have seen them all. We tried Sherman and Caterbury Falls. The girls weren't disappointed by Sherman Falls as they love falls that they can actually climb to and get wet in ... and it being a hot day it was just perfect.
This Saturday we missed out on our weekly walk, but instead got to enjoy time with family, which the girls found just as exciting to spend time with their cousins. And now it's late, but Rob is busy cramming for his last exam this week. In a few days he hopes to write the last exam of his McMaster "career" and then kick back and relax for the summer ... okay, just work more hours, but wishful thinking! :)
As the weather has ups and downs it sort of reflects on my life lately. I have often heard comments about how people like it when we write about James, the things we remember, what we are going through, etc. I think I could probably write a whole separate blog on our memories of James or how our days go, but you'd start to think I was completely insane then! :)
As I climb out of what has been a rough couple weeks I breath a sigh of relief, for I was getting a bit worried that I wasn't going to climb out of this valley anytime soon. Life is so full of memories, they surround us everyday in all that we do. I'm not sure what brought on the last low, I think it was just a combination of different things adding together and once down more things just seemed to add on to keep the down feelings. Grief isn't the only thing that can do this, I'm sure there are many who have this in everyday life. I've never been one to get down for long period of time ... maybe a day or so and then back at it ... so when it begins to stretch out I think it just sort of snowballs into effecting all angles of life and then isn't all necessarily grief related.
It's funny how the same thought can hit you completely different from one day to the next. I know that James is gone, I know that he is never coming back. I am completely aware of that! But suddenly one day it just dawns on me that James is gone and he's never coming back ... and I fall apart like this is completely new news or something.
As I mentioned we just had Play Day last week. This day was a day of mixed emotions as it brought back some memories of previous Play Day's that felt very fresh, like they had just happened.
Once again, you see how it is events that trigger my memory, not specific dates. This blog has gotten long enough, so I won't go any further into the the ups and downs. This is just the way life is, but as long as we put one foot in front of the other and look up we can carry on. I receive an e-mail this week and one line struck me: "Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up!" It is so true, I spend so much time looking back, remembering things, getting worked up about things that are over and done and I can't change, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with remembering and reminiscing, but as long as these memories are also always done in faith, knowing and trusting in Him who is in control, the one who does all things for His Purpose. And as I write this I feel better already, for a week ago I did not feel so bright about things. There are mountains and valleys and thankfully we're not stuck in the valley, what a comfort it is to know that the Lord carries us through all things.
Remember God’s Promise
“I am always with you,.”
This is the promise of God to one and all-
to every heart that’s hurting, grieving, or burdened with pain.
He offers hope and comfort.
He offers caring and companionship.
He offers peace of mind
God didn’t say the sun would always shine on each day.
He didn’t say the flowers would always bloom.
He didn’t say time would always bring us perfect happiness.
But God gave humanity a place to go -
a place where peace is always offered,
comfort is always given,
and love is a constant thing.
God said, "I am always with you,”
and He always is.
- Barbara J. Hall
Matthew 28:20
Thanks, Steph- I needed that!
Thanks for sharing this part of your journey with us! Love and appreciate your honesty:)
I also feel priviledged to be part of this journey with you. Thanks for sharing, you are in our prayers.
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